Please donate a Thanksgiving Turkey or Ham

The Beyond Cornerstone Ministry is partnering with UNICO of Bloomfield to run a Thanksgiving turkey and ham collection for needy families.

As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends, please let’s remember the hungry and homeless among us.

The Bloomfield branch of UNICO, an Italian nonprofit organization, will hold their semi-
annual food drive on Saturday November 16th from 9AM to 1PM at the Brookdale
ShopRite. They will be collecting non-perishable foods, cases of water, and personal
supplies. St. Augustine’s is one of the soup kitchens that will benefit from this

Joanne Hand will collect turkeys and hams on Saturday Nov 23 between 7:30 AM
and 8:30 AM in the parish parking lot by the handicapped entrance
and will bring them
directly to the St. Augustine’s soup kitchen. The Sisters will prepare and distribute
Thanksgiving meals to families in need.

We thank you for your continued generosity. Let us all give thanks for all of God's blessings.

2024 Christmas Pageant Signup Now Available


Calling all Children of the Parish!

All children of the parish are invited to sign up now for the 2024 Christmas Pageant, a beloved STA tradition.

Children ages 3 through 12 are invited to participate in a performance telling the story of Jesus' birth. No matter your child's age or ability level, all are welcome.

The pageant will be on Sunday, December 15th at 1:30pm with a mandatory rehearsal on Saturday, December 14th at 6:00pm.

Click the button below to sign your child up today. See you there!


Update on Choir Loft, Towers, and Organ Repair 9.26.2024

Dear Parish Family,

We hope you are all doing well, and we wanted to update you on the amazing progress we are making in the choir loft.

Sumbmerac LLC has been moving along quickly, pulling down old and damaged plaster, repairing and sealing up the exterior walls within the choir loft. They are right on schedule, and will be moving towards the Rose window with the scaffolding shortly. We have found a few new smaller areas that were hidden behind the pipes that were removed that will need repair and sealing, and we will be getting pricing for those areas moving forward. 

Konzelman and Allen Organ are currently working together pulling apart the problem areas while the repairs are being made. 

God Bless,

Damian Addis

Facility Manager

St. Thomas the Apostle Church

Upcoming Estate Planning Event

Program co-sponsored by parish Holy Name Society and Wellness Ministry.

Estate Planning: How to create your go-to box of necessities

… A gift as well as a work of mercy to your successors no matter what your age. It deals with how to remove some burden for them as well as anxiety and stress and to make room for joy at an otherwise difficult time.  

When and where:  After the 5 p.m. Mass on Saturday, October 19 (approximately 6 p.m.) in the parish center. (See the bulletin for more details.)  We are asking for you to preregister so we can plan the free sandwiches and beverages.  You can do this by sending an email or by making a phone call to John Nellegar at or (973) 338-1970. 

The 7 Key Themes of Catholic Social Teaching: 6 - Solidarity

From the Social Concerns Ministry.

Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teaching: US Conference of Catholic Bishops:


We are one human family whatever our national, racial, ethnic, economic, and ideological differences. We are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers, wherever they may be.  Loving our neighbor has global dimensions in a shrinking world. At the core of the virtue of solidarity is the pursuit of justice and peace. Pope Paul VI taught that “if you want peace, work for justice.” The Gospel calls us to be peacemakers. Our love for all our sisters and brothers demands that we promote peace in a world surrounded by violence and conflict.

For more information about this Theme, please see the Social Concerns Ministry page (    

Mental Health Ministry

The Mental Health Ministry for Adults is a new ministry at STA church created to meet the needs of people who struggle with Mental Health issues for themselves and/or their loved ones.

Our goal is to provide a warm, friendly and stigma-free environment where all are welcomed and accepted. We do not provide medical advice, medication management, or diagnosis.

We need a few people step up to lead this ministry. If you are called to this very special ministry service, please contact the parish center at (973) 338-9190 to pre-register. Hope to see you there!