Music Ministry
“Address one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart.”
One of God's greatest gifts to us, his creation, was the gift of song. In words and music, our ancestors in the faith have taught us how to revel in God's infinite love, proclaim his glory, give thanks for his abounding generosity, and plead for mercy and forgiveness.
Adult Choir: The St. Thomas Adult Choir is available to all adult parishioners (18+). No formal training or experience is needed. All are welcome! Rehearsals are one evening per week. and the choir sings at the 10am mass every weekend, in addition to biannual concerts.
Adult Choir rehearses on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM September through June.
In addition, Adult Choir sings on Christmas and Holy Week.
Youth Choir: All young people of the parish ages 4+ are invited to join. No prior singing experience is required. Members meet once per week, and sing periodically at the 10am Sunday mass, plus select holiday masses and biannual concerts.
Instrumentalists: Parishioners of all ages that play an instrument are welcome to share their talents during Mass.
To get involved in the Music Ministry, please contact Dr. Patricio Molina, Director of Liturgical Music Ministries at