A group of Catholic men and women read and reflect on the Scripture for the upcoming weekend’s Mass. We discuss the readings using the ‘Four Senses’ of scripture. These are the historical/literal sense of word meanings and knowledge of the time distant to us now and the three spiritual senses. The moral sense, the allegorical or Christological sense, and the eschatological sense. These offer in order, what moral implications are being revealed, what points to Jesus in the Old Testament, and finally how scripture offers the answer to, “why are we here?,” “where are we going?,” and “what is God’s plan?”. We discuss, as appropriate, current challenges to the faithful in Christ.

Over our 10 years, this group has also read widely from other Catholic and orthodox materials including Saint Paul’s Letters to the Romans, Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, papal encyclicals, and the Didache (Teaching of the Apostles from the 1st Century AD). We also watch and listen to Bishop Robert Barron’s homilies, and as well as works of other relevant authors and speakers.

Please contact the parish center if you are interested in joining.