“Then I heard the voice of the LORD saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’”
You are invited to join one of our many ministries.
ALL ministries at STA are looking for new members.
Below you will find a list of some of the ministries who are looking for new members.
Thank you for using your time and talent to help build up the Lord’s Kingdom in this part of His Vineyard!
Don’t see the ministry you were looking for? See the full list of STA ministries using the “Ministries” menu at the top of the page.
Ministry of Spiritual Direction
Soup Kitchen Ministry to St. Augustine’s
In addition, we are searching for people to help to develop the following ministries:
The welcoming committee is the face and heart of the parish to new members, visitors, and even to other members of the parish.
The group will communicate with new members, and organize welcome receptions throughout the year with the goal of helping new members feel that they are an important part of Christ’s Living Body, the Church.
The goal of the Parish Life Committee is to build up the community aspect of the parish by organizing social events.
The goal of the Spiritual Life Committee is to help members of our parish answer the universal call to holiness and deepen their relationship with God, bearing the fruit of that devotion as individuals and as a parish family. The committee will:
Provide experiences for the parish family that provide a personal encounter with Christ.
Develop parish-wide retreats, days of recollection, and missions
Network with surrounding parishes to develop new Spiritual experiences.
If interested, please call 973-338-9190x137 or email susan.laurenzo@stachurchbloomfield.org