Religious Education
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
We offer three options for Religious Education for students in grades 1-8:
Fall CCD: Our traditional weekly program that meets every Monday from late September to early May.
Summer CCD: Our condensed format summer program runs for two weeks in late June/early July. Please note: children going into grade 2 are not eligible for Summer CCD.
Virtual CCD: Our virtual program offering can be done at any time. Videos are posted online and can be viewed at your convenience. Books are checked once they have been completed.
First-time religious education registrants must provide a copy of each child’s baptismal certificate in order for them to begin classes. These can be mailed to the Religious Education Office attn: Tracey Hann or scanned and emailed to If you prefer, they can also be hand-delivered to the Religious Education Office during office hours.
First Communion and First Reconciliation
As a reminder for parents of children going into first grade, our sacramental program is a two-year program, which means that children must attend religious education in the first grade if they wish to receive the sacraments of First Penance and First Holy Communion in second grade.
Signup for Flocknote religious education notifications here.
Contact Us
Tracey Hann, Director of Religious Education
60 Byrd Ave., Bloomfield, NJ 07003
(973) 338-7400
Office hours: Monday-Thursday 10:00 AM-5:00 PM. Friday by appointment only.