Lector Ministry
“Then the LORD extended His hand and touched my mouth, saying to me, ‘See, I place my words in your mouth.’”
The lector proclaims the readings from Sacred Scripture, except for the Gospel. Lectors may also announce the Universal Prayer intentions and recite the Psalm between the readings in the absence of a psalmist. We currently have a wonderful group of dedicated lectors at our parish, ranging from ages 17 to 70+.
Each lector is given a book with all the readings for the liturgical year. The book contains helpful tips to assist lectors with difficult pronunciations of names and words and provides insight into the meaning of the readings. Lectors practice their reading several times, focusing on every pause and inflection in their voice so that the congregation can easily follow along during the Mass. The lector isn’t simply narrating but is proclaiming the word of the Lord.
To learn more about the role of the lector at mass, visit the USCCB website.
To become a lector, please contact Dawn Nelson at lectors@stachurchbloomfield.org.