The 7 Key Themes of Catholic Social Teaching: 4 - Preferential Option for the Poor and Vulnerable

From the Social Concerns Ministry.

Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teachings: 4- Preferential Option for the Poor and Vulnerable

The Catholic Church proclaims the Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teaching, the fourth of which is Preferential Option for the Poor and Vulnerable. This theme states that we need to put the needs of the poor and vulnerable first. Christ says “As you did to one of these, the least of my brethren, you did it to me” (Mt.25:40). The United States Conference of Catholic Bishop states (in Economic Justice for All, no.86) “The obligation to provide justice for all means that the poor have the single most urgent economic claim on the conscience of the nation.”

The Social Concern Ministry has handouts at the Church exits on this theme; please take one home and read it with your family. More on this Theme, including a witness statement, can be found on the Parish website ( and the Social Concerns Ministry site ( Thanks for your prayerful consideration of these teachings of our Church.