Holy Name Society Men's Retreat at San Alfonso

The Holy Name Society invites all men of our parish to a retreat on the “Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist”

Our parish Holy Name Society (HNS) invites all men of St. Thomas the Apostle to attend a weekend retreat, July 22-24, at the ocean-view San Alfonso Redemptorist Retreat House, 755 Ocean Ave, Long Branch, NJ. HNS members have been attending for over 50 years. There is no need to be a member to attend. See the San Alfonso Retreat House website for a description of the facility.

Our retreat theme is Eucharistic: “The Real Presence: Gift of God and Blessing to One Another.” Through talks, rituals, liturgies, and time for quiet contemplation, the retreat will bring us a deeper awareness of the grace and power of real presence - with God, with ourselves, with others, and with all creation.  As we reflect on our life stories in the peace of Christ and the light of his Spirit, we pray to be the blessing of Jesus’ presence - love and compassion -  to one another and all.   

The retreat stipend is $260 (deposit of $50), and includes lodging and meals. The deposit deadline is June 20. For questions or to register for the event, please contact Rich Bevere via phone at 973-338-6444 or email at rbevere@verizon.net.