STA Home & School Association Grave Blanket Sale

The holidays are quickly approaching, and the Home & School Association is having a grave blanket sale.

Order forms and payment are due by FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH. No orders will be accepted after this date.

Go to the school website and click on the "STA Buy Now". Please write your confirmation number on your order form. Please submit completed order forms with confirmation number to the school office.


All items will be available for pick-up on Tuesday, November 22nd between 2:30p to 6pm

Any questions, please email the Home & School Association at

Sign up your child to perform in our annual Pageant!

All parish youth are invited to participate in our annual Pageant!

The pageant is open to children ages three and up. The children act out the Nativity story and sing at least two well-known Christmas hymns while in costume.

All are welcome!

The pageant will be held in the church on Saturday, December 17th at 6:30pm (6:00pm call time). The rehearsal will be on Thursday, December 15th at 6:00pm. Rehearsal attendance is required to participate. Costume assistance is available.

Please email Dr. Patricio Molina, Music Director at and indicate your child’s full name and age to sign up!

Submit your feedback NOW on our STA Parish!

The Pastoral Council invites all parishioners to Come and Be Heard.

We are seeking feedback on our parish from October 19th through December 1st via Google form. Click the button below to be taken to the form.

Please note that the form is to be used by STA Parishioners only. If you have not yet registered as a parishioner, please visit our Parish Registration page, or contact the Parish Center at (973) 338-9190.

Please do not email us your responses. To ensure confidentiality and integrity, all digital responses should be submitted via the Google form.

Parishioners will be asked to respond to three questions:

  • What do you like about our parish?

  • What would you like to see improved upon in the parish?

  • What is your hope for the future of the parish?

RCIA 10/23 "Come follow me"

On Sunday October 23, we conclude four weeks of introducing the Church. Introducing the Church by how sees herself, not how social media and pop culture see her.

We have enjoyed 4 parts of the Catholicism series created by Bishop Robert Barron. Hearing the mission of Jesus Christ without secular commentary is a moving experience. It cannot help but touch us emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually. The Good News of Jesus Christ spoken clearly without doubts and in faith moves us deeply. It moves us to act.

An analogy of the walk to faith, is to find yourself unexpectedly on a large ship in the ocean. After the initial shock, you ask yourself basic and practical questions. Where am I? How did I get here? Where am I going? Why am I here? These are not only spontaneous questions in your dream, but they are also profound questions in each person’s life. 

When we ask these questions, we are motivated to get answers. In fact, we ask questions with premise that we expect that there are answers. We will accept only the truth. It is surprising to us to find that it is not we who start this search for truth, but that Jesus initiated it first. In St. John’s Gospel, Jesus reassures his disciples that it was not them who found him by chance, but it was he that sought them out.

“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide; so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.” (John 15:16).

When we ask, “ Where am I? Why am I here?” The answer is, we are where we are meant to be and that Jesus is seeking us and is calling us, “Come follow me.”

-Frank Miller, RCIA Director

Help Wanted! See STA Ministries in Need of Volunteers


You are invited to join one of our many ministries. Below you will find a list of the ministries that are looking for new members to help out. Thank you for using your time and talent to help build up the Lord’s Kingdom in this part of His Vineyard!

Updated 06.2023.

Choirs (Adult and Youth) Dr. Patricio Molina at

Communications Committee Assistance needed in the areas of Photography, Videography, and Social Media. Email

Funeral Ministry Susan Laurenzo (973) 338-9190 x137 or


Lectors or (201) 618-1111 (Dawn Nelson)

Ministry of Spiritual Direction Anna Graziano (201) 213-5095

Wellness Ministry or (973) 338-5371 (Barbara St. Hilaire)

Prayer Chain Patrice Maher at

Prayer Shawl Ministry or (973) 893-2441 (Betsy Sabato)

Rosary Society

Small Christian Community or (973) 495-5864 (Lucille Sutton)

Social Concerns or (201) 247-2798 (Barbara Albert)

Soup Kitchen Ministry to St. Augustine’s or (973) 715-5770 (Alicia vonSchaumburg)

Ushers or (973) 568-3826 (Jeff Monacelli)

Wedding Rehearsal Ministry

Young Adult Ministry Brandon Codi at

In addition, we are searching for people to help to develop the following ministries. If interested please call 973-338-9190x137 or email

Parish Life (to oversee social events)

Spiritual Life

Welcoming Committee