The Archdiocese of Newark is Hiring!
/Click here or the link below to browse current employment opportunities within the Archdiocese of Newark.
Last Sunday we viewed Part II of “Catholicism” entitled, ‘Happy are We’. It continued offering insight on the Church Jesus Christ entrusted to his Apostles and disciples.
Beauty amidst weakness, goodness despite corruption and truth, though sometimes obscured by sinful proclaimers. Jesus left his Church in human hands with the promise it will prevail against every weakness and failure. This strengthens our hope and confidence to listen to Christ’s call to us, “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel” (Mark 1:15).
Here the word repent is used for the Greek word metanoeite. This is a two-part word from the Greek words meta = beyond and nous = mind. We can understand it literally as, “Go beyond your way of thinking and believe in the Gospel”.
Christianity offers a different path in life. The way that is aligned with the will of our Creator. Go beyond your current thinking and believe in Good News!
Do you know someone who is searching? Do you want to know more about the sacramental life the Church offers? Contact Frank Miller at We meet after the 8AM mass in the Parish Center.
Come walk along with us.
There will be a Family Mass for Child Loss held on Saturday, November 5th at Sacred Heart Church on 76 Broad Street, Bloomfield. The 10:00 AM Mass will be followed by a breakfast reception.
RSVP to or 973-497-4327
Surviving Divorce 6-Part Series
Meetings 11/19, 12/3, 1/7, 1/21, 2/4, 2/18 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament (Founder's Hall)
28 LIvingston Avenue, Roseland, NJ 07068
Cost is $35 per person
For more information: John Kalinowski (973) 497-4327 or
TODAY, JESUS IS TELLING US TO pray constantly. But why do we have to keep badgering God, asking again and again for what we need?
THIS 3000-YEAR-OLD prayer gesture of raising our arms up to God may help us find some answers to our question.
THIS ANCIENT PRAYER GESTURE IS bi-directional. That is, we offer ourselves up to God and, at the same time, we open ourselves completely to receive back from Him every possible blessing.
RIGHT NOW, LET’S VISIT TOGETHER three scenes where this prayer gesture plays a part and see what insights we can get.
THE FIRST SCENE IS ON THE PLAIN of Re-phi-dim, the place where Moses struck the rock and water flowed from it for the people to drink. The year is approximately 1200 B. C. and it is just a few days after Moses has struck the rock.
THE AMALEKITES, THE NATIVE inhabitants of this region, are about to attack the Israelites.
EACH ONE OF US HERE TODAY IS fighting with the army of the Israelites against Amalek and his troops. For a brief moment, we look up at the nearby hill and we see Moses with his arms raised up in prayer with a man on his right and a man on his left and Moses in the middle.
AS MOSES RAISES HIS ARMS TO God, each of us raises up our heart to God whose help we desperately need. We each feel God’s strength flowing down into us. With His help, we are victorious over the Amalekites and we thank the Almighty for all His blessings.
THE SECOND SCENE TAKES PLACE around 30 A. D. just outside the walls of the city of Jerusalem. Each one of us is a new disciple of the Lord Jesus. We are looking at the hill called Calvary. We see Jesus with His arms raised up, nailed to the cross, with a man on His right and a man on His left and Jesus in the middle.
THE SOLDIER’S LANCE IS PIERCING Jesus’ heart now. It is from this Heart that the gift of the Holy Spirit flows down upon each of us and never stops. We raise our hearts to God in gratitude for the victory over sin and death that Jesus has just won for us all.
THE THIRD SCENE IS TODAY AT THIS Mass. We are each offering the exact same sacrifice of Calvary to the Father together with Jesus. The Our Father is about to begin and Father ________ raises his arms up to God as Moses did on the hill at Re-phi-dim, as Jesus did on the hill of Calvary.
WE EACH OFFER OURSELVES UP TO God at this same moment: all we have, all we hold. We open wide our hearts to welcome the Holy Spirit, the Divine Life of the Blessed Trinity, down into us. We thank God for this greatest of His gifts and for all His blessings.
SO WHY DO WE HAVE TO PRAY always? We pray not to remind God of our needs. But to remind ourselves that we need God! We pray to remind ourselves to thank Him for His overwhelming love.
TO REMIND OURSELVES TO OPEN our hearts to all His blessings and especially to His Divine Spirit who never stops pouring out from Jesus’ Heart, and never stops pouring down upon each one of us!
The STA Wellness Ministry nurses proceeded with BPs & blood glucose evaluations in Herron Hall on Sunday, October 9th. Many nurses came to help, and attendees appreciated the opportunity to interact with the nurses which sometimes involves encouraging them to see their doctors.
To read more about the Wellness Ministry or to get involved, please follow the button below.
In light of the devastation caused by recent hurricanes, the Archdiocese of Newark invites parish members to contribute in the following ways:
For Puerto Rico, Catholic Extension is working directly with people recovering from Hurricane Fiona.
For Florida, Catholic Charities for the Diocese of Venice is working with people recovering from Hurricane Ian.
All of the Rosarian members went "Trick or Treating" filling 40 Halloween bags for children that participate in the Family Promise Programs in Montclair.
The Parish Center tables were filled with treats supplied by each of the Rosarians, which included the bags, juice boxes, fruit cups, fruit snacks, pencils, pens, and an assortment of candy.
The Family Promise team was very grateful and excited to receive the treats. Thank you to all of the Rosarians who made this possible.
To join the Rosary Society, email
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60 Byrd Avenue
Bloomfield, NJ 07003
Office: 973-338-9190
Fax: 973-338-4224
Monday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Wednesday 10:00 AM-5:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM-2:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM-1:00 PM
Saturday: 5:00 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 12:00 PM
Monday-Friday: 11:30 AM
First Saturday 8:30 AM
Reconciliation available on Saturdays: 1:00 PM, or by appointment
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Tuesday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Wednesday 10:00 AM-5:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM-2:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM-1:00 PM
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