RCIA 10/12: Repent and Believe the Gospel

Last Sunday we viewed Part II of “Catholicism” entitled, ‘Happy are We’. It continued offering insight on the Church Jesus Christ entrusted to his Apostles and disciples.

Beauty amidst weakness, goodness despite corruption and truth, though sometimes obscured by sinful proclaimers. Jesus left his Church in human hands with the promise it will prevail against every weakness and failure. This strengthens our hope and confidence to listen to Christ’s call to us, “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel” (Mark 1:15).

Here the word repent is used for the Greek word metanoeite. This is a two-part word from the Greek words meta = beyond and nous = mind. We can understand it literally as, “Go beyond your way of thinking and believe in the Gospel”.

Christianity offers a different path in life. The way that is aligned with the will of our Creator. Go beyond your current thinking and believe in Good News!

Do you know someone who is searching? Do you want to know more about the sacramental life the Church offers? Contact Frank Miller at rcia@stachurchbloomfield.org. We meet after the 8AM mass in the Parish Center.

Come walk along with us.