Young Adult Ministry Clothing Drive

“The righteous will ask ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? Or naked and gave you clothing?’ And the King will answer them ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did to me.’” - Matthew 25:37-40

We have recently restarted our Young Adult Ministry, as you may have heard.  Our hope for this ministry is to provide a community for our parish's young men and women to grow together in their faith.  We believe a big part of this involves going out into the world, living your faith, and spreading the word and love of God through acts of service.

Drawing inspiration from the Franciscan Friars, we plan to engage in outreach to those in need by providing them with necessities such as food and clothing, and sitting with them in prayer.

This winter season, we humbly ask for the help of our parish to achieve this goal.  We are seeking donations of gently used winter clothing to bring to those in need.  One of the biggest struggles for the homeless in our area is staying warm during the winter. The smallest donation to our community could significantly impact someone’s life.

With the clothing collected, our ministry will make recurring trips to Newark Penn Station and Penn Station in Manhattan with food, clothes, and prayer to help support those going through a rough time in life.

How to Donate

Donations can be dropped off in the bucket near the Infant of Prague statue in the church, or reach out to Brandon Codi at

It is easy to think that making an impact in others’ lives can seem too big a task to take on, but as Mother Teresa said, “There are no great acts, only small acts with great love.”

We once again thank you for your generosity, and God bless you.