We Joyfully Welcome our 2023 RCIA Candidates into the Catholic Faith

On May 28th at the 10 AM Mass, Jennifer, Brianna, Maureen, and Alissa were fully initiated into the Catholic Church in the sacrament of Confirmation.

These four ladies completed eight months of prayer, preparation, and reflection anticipating this Pentecost. RCIA can be compared to a walk: a walk with friends whose faith seeks greater understanding. Adults bring adult experiences, challenges, and questions when they seek full communion with the Church.

The analogy of a walk is most appropriate for adult inquiry. The RCIA volunteers walk along with the candidates as they develop a closer relationship with the Church of Jesus Christ. The RCIA is a blessing to who walk this path together.

In the Fall, we will again welcome those seeking full initiation into the Church by Baptism, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation, candidates who are already baptized seeking Holy Eucharist and or Confirmation, as well as parishioners seeking greater engagement and understanding of their faith in Jesus Christ. All are welcome.

Click here to visit the RCIA ministry page and get in touch.