Update on Father Larry

Fr. Larry will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, December 13th, following his heart catheterization and surgery for heart valve replacement last week.

He will be on home rest and rehabilitative recovery for six weeks.

He thanks everyone for their prayers - they are working! He is doing very well. He also thanks the professionals at Morristown Medical Center. He is also grateful for continued prayers for his parents.

If you would like to send him a message of encouragement, please email him at frlarry@stachurchbloomfield.org.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit:

Loving Father, we give you all praise and glory for your mercy and love. We thank you for granting Fr, Larry a safe passage through surgery, and we ask you to continue to protect him as he begins his journey of recovery.

Father, we ask this blessing through Jesus Christ our Lord, in the love of your Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.