St. Thomas Food Pantry Updates
/Hello, friends of the St. Thomas Food Pantry!
I pray that you and your families are well.
We read in the Book of Hebrews 12:1, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”
Some of us may question, who is this “great cloud of witnesses”? The great cloud of witnesses are the many saints, the holy ones who have gone before us, those souls who opened themselves up to the grace of God by allowing God’s light to shine through them, bringing the Light of God’s love into the places where light was needed the most. By their witness, we can more imitate them and be like God.
One of these witnesses is the Servant of God Catherine de Hueck Doherty. Catherine was born in Russia on August 15, 1896, to parents of deep Christian faith, who communicated to her an extraordinary love for the poor. Often, she accompanied her mother on her visits to the local poor. Frequently she saw her father get up from the table and wait on beggars who came to the door for food. ‘A love that is not incarnate is not real love,’ she would say. Catherine would become a dedicated wife and mother, a friend of Dorothy Day and Thomas Merton, a Servant of God. Similar to many saints, Catherine experienced a closeness to God. She heard the voice of Christ say to her, "Arise — go... sell all you possess... take up your cross and follow Me.” This divine calling brought Catherine to establish the Friendship House wherein she strove to clothe the Gospel with love and service to the poor in Harlem, Chicago, and Toronto. She also founded the Madonna House Apostolate, a Catholic community of men, women, and priests living in poverty, dedicated to loving and serving Jesus Christ. Through donations of clothing, food, goods, and money, members of the Apostolate are enabled to live out their promise of poverty and better identify with the poor they serve. Today the Madonna Apostolate has field houses located throughout the world. Catherine died on December 14th, 1985. Her cause for canonization as a saint is under consideration by the Catholic Church. I recommend you take some time to learn more about her.
Catherine de Hueck Doherty became God’s instrument by allowing His love to enter and move through her, most especially in her service to the poor. She is a beautiful model for us to follow. When we donate food to the St. Thomas Food Pantry, we become like Catherine de Hueck Doherty, an instrument of God, a channel of peace, a channel of love. When we love one another, we pass on God’s grace and mercy to others and to ourselves. Having been blessed, we can bless others in our parish community and outside our parish community. Grace is not meant to be hoarded and stored. And let us remember that giving to the poor is a foundational and non-negotiable Christian obligation: “If someone who has the riches of this world sees his brother in need and closes his heart to him, how does the love of God abide in him?” (1 Jn 3:17).
Thank you for your donations, past, present, and future. The food you donate to the St. Thomas Food Pantry is distributed to needy parishioners and local soup kitchens. If you or somebody you know needs food, please contact the parish center. All communication is completely confidential.
With that, we’d like to share a few reminders with you regarding donations to the food pantry:
Donated food should be left inside the "handicap accessible” doorway at the back south side of the Church. Be careful not to place bags or boxes in the path of foot traffic.
Only non-perishable food items are suitable for our Food Pantry (i.e., peanut butter, jelly, cereal, oatmeal, pancake mix, syrup, coffee, tea bags, canned tuna, boxed macaroni and cheese, canned vegetables, canned fruit, canned fruit juice, canned soups, canned stews, pasta sauce, pasta, bagged rice, canned or bagged beans, powdered potatoes, powdered milk, stuffing mix, cake mix, and baby food)
Supermarket Gift Cards are gladly accepted. Please drop them off at the parish center. Please contact the parish center if you wish to donate fresh/frozen beef or poultry (only current sell-by date).
O God, thank you for the abundance of life, relationships, health, comfort, and wealth you have provided. Thank you that even in times of need, despair, and brokenness, you are there. And, Lord, guide us, so we can be your hands and feet, pursuing justice for the poor and upholding the cause of the needy. Amen.
Your friend in Christ,
Deacon Brian