Register now for The Gift of Years: Growing Older Gracefully
/The Gift of Years: Growing Older Gracefully
Prayer Day March 14th, 2023
Loyola Jesuit Center
160 James St Morristown, NJ
Based on the book By Sr. Joan Chittister, Benedictine Sister of Erie
Sr. Joan speaks of there being the “young old 65-74, the old old 75-84, and the oldest old, 85 and over”. All of these ages have some things in common - each of them faces specific issues at the same time.
Living in a transitional age such as ours is scary: things seem to be falling apart, the future is unknowable, and so much doesn’t make sense, raising many feelings forcing us to pay attention to our fears, regrets, relationships, the meaning of life.
There is wisdom and grace in exploring the gift of your years and learning how to grow older gracefully
Come and spend a prayer day pondering with soul friends and God the transitions in your own life noticing how the presence of God has been with you, and where do you go from here.
RSVP Phone: (973) 539-0740