RCIA: Why do you believe in Jesus Christ?

On November 6, 2022, Irene will be accepted as a Catechumen. Returning baptized Christian candidates, Jennifer, Brianna, Maureen, and Alissa will be formally welcomed by our parish. Please keep them in your prayers. They walk their own Road to Emmaus toward Easter and Pentecost.

For the next 20 Sundays, we will pursue formation in the faith in Jesus Christ.

When someone asks, “why do you believe in Jesus Christ?” the answer may be a little longer and not be as definitive as, “do you believe in Jesus Christ?” This question gets a clear and resounding “Yes!”. The former question may not have one all-inclusive answer. It may be several reasons or several dozen reasons.

St. John Henry Newman compared our faith to the strength of a good rope. A rope of good quality and strength is made of many small threads or twine. Each small thread is wound with other small threads to form a strand. In turn, the strands are wound together to form a rope.

Like rope, our reason for belief is not dependent on one thread and not made of all equally strong threads. Some break in normal use and wear and tear. Some give way in shock or in great hardship. But a strong rope has many threads making many strong strands. Rope is flexible. It can be tied in a knot! But can also be untied and return to its normal shape. We know that life will test our faith, every fiber of it (or every thread).

Life tests our faith, like a good rope. We must strengthen each strand. Prayer, corporal works of mercy, and seeking understanding, all build strong threads. Our catechumen and candidates are building strong ropes. Pray for them.