RCIA Sunday, October 2nd

Today we began our travels in faith toward the Easter Vigil and adult baptisms and Pentecost and adult confirmations.

The RCIA is a walk we take together in which all seek to know Jesus Christ. It is very good company. It is with good reason the RCIA identifies greatly with “The Road to Emmaus”, (Luke 24:13-35). St Luke recounts that story of two followers of Jesus’ who after the tragic events of Good Friday, travel away from Jerusalem, downcast and brokenhearted. So much so, that they do not recognize Jesus when he begins to walk with them.

While the three talk, Jesus points out to them that the terrible things that happened are not the end of the story. Have faith! Finally, the disciples meet Christ in the Eucharist and return with their hearts on fire to their fellow believers. Even the faithful need encouragement.

Are you baptized, confirmed, and received Holy Communion? If no to any of these come answer Jesus’ call. Do you know someone who is searching? Do you want to know more about the sacramental life the Church offers? Contact Frank Miller at rcia@stachurchbloomfield.org. We meet after the 8AM mass in the Parish Center.

Come walk along with us.