RCIA Begins Sunday, October 2nd

“Come follow me”, Jesus says to the fishermen, Simon and Andrew, who were busy at their work.

He told them he would make them fishers of men. For Simon, later named Peter, and Simon their walk with Christ changed them and the whole world. It started with a simple invitation.

Come with us, for we follow Christ. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults offers the same invitation. It is a call to discipleship in the Lord Jesus Christ. The rite is for adults. Made of four parts, it leads us through the process where we learn about Jesus, the Church he entrusted to his followers, and life as a Catholic Christian.

Are you baptized, confirmed, and received Holy Communion? If no to any of these, come answer Jesus’ call. Do you know someone who is searching? Do you want to know more about the sacramental life the Church offers? Contact Frank Miller at rcia@stachurchbloomfield.org. We begin this October 2 after the 8AM mass in the Parish Center with the Inquiry part of the Rite. Come with us.