Deacon Tom's Homily for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

AS TODAY’S GOSPEL BEGINS, WE see Jesus getting into a boat about to address His followers who are lined-up along the shore. Up on the hillside to His right, Jesus notices a farmer scattering seeds all over his field. Jesus turns to the crowd and begins: “The Kingdom of God is like that sower over there [pointing to His right] who went out to sow seeds in his field.”

JESUS HIMSELF SOWED THE SEEDS of the Kingdom, especially during the three years of His public ministry. He told us that the Kingdom of God is like a treasure buried in the field; and like a pearl of great price. He taught us to love our enemies, to pray for those who persecute us. The blind received their sight. The deaf heard again; lepers were cleansed, and the dead were raised to life.

JESUS IS STILL SOWING THE SEEDS of the Kingdom right here for us at this Mass today. Each one of us has the responsibility to make sure that the soil of our own heart is rich and ready to receive the seeds of the Kingdom as Jesus proclaims the Sacred Scriptures to us. Is our heart open to receive the Word of God today? Have we really been listening?

WHAT ARE SOME OF THE SEEDS that have touched our heart in particular in the past and are growing within us right now? Perhaps, that moment when the father of the prodigal son hugs his son tightly against his heart? And maybe one or more of the Psalms: for example, “The Lord’s voice flashes flames of fire; the Lord’s voice shaking the wilderness. And in His temple, they all cry ‘Glory.’”

LET’S TAKE A CLOSER LOOK AT ONE of the seeds that Jesus has planted in each of our hearts. The seed of His own Resurrection from the dead. In Jesus’ Resurrection, we get a glimpse of our own future destiny. We can picture our own face shining brighter than the sun, our garment whiter than snow. We know why we were born; we know what our goal in life is: union with Jesus and the Father and the Holy Spirit in an ecstasy of joy that will never diminish, that will never end.

MAY WE NOURISH THIS SEED OF the Resurrection within us always. May we allow it to ever grow and flourish in our soul. Jesus has already won the victory for us. The abundant harvest is assured. In Jesus’ day, the average harvest yielded seven times more than the amount of seed sown. Today, our Gospel assures us that our harvest will yield thirty times or sixty times or even one hundred times the seed sown. So, take the seeds of God’s love and make them grow!

TODAY, WE ARE FILLED WITH hope. We are filled with joy. And today, in this temple we all cry, “Glory.”