Beyond Cornerstone Soup Kitchen Ministry - Updates

  • There will be a meeting on Thursday, May 11th at 7PM in the Parish Center to discuss our many commitments to the St. Augustine Soup Kitchen run by the Missionary Sisters of Charity in Newark. Anyone who wishes to participate in any of our activities are welcome.

  • Thanks to everyone who participated in the donation and delivery of the Easter hams and chickens. Over thirty families will receive them for Easter dinner.

  • Thank you to the September club for their recent generous donation to our Ministry. It is this support that enables us to keep our commitment to supply a hearty meal one Sunday of each month to about one hundred twenty homeless people.

  • The Bloomfield chapter of UNICO, an Italian-American service organization collected at ShopRite over 70 bags of food, toiletries and cleaning products for Saint Augustine soup kitchen in Newark. Saint Augustine serves up to 150 people daily in addition to providing a women’s shelter where these items will be greatly appreciated. A special thank you to Tina Buontempo for organizing this Unico project.

  • Joan and Bob Urbanovich will supply and serve the March 26th meal.

  • Joanne Walch Romeo and Pat McDonald will be doing the meal for April 23rd.  

  • Joanne Recinello and Dene will do May 21st.  Please contact them if you wish to help cook or serve.

  • We will participate in the St. Augustine Summer Day camp on July 14th. The Sisters run a day camp in July for the benefit of the children of the people they serve. Each summer we supply food and activities for one day at the camp. Tiffany Engram and a team of volunteers supply an attractive meal, treats and activities to make this day very special. A highlight of the day will include an ice cream truck. This year we hope to involve our parish teenagers. We depend on donations to support this day. Tiffany Ingram has again volunteered to organize the day.

Individual parishioners’ consistent and prayerful donations of time and money are the foundation of our ministry and allow us to continue our mission. Please consider placing a donation in an envelope marked SOUP KITCHEN in the collection basket or in the lock box at the parish center.  In the memo line, please indicate that the donation is for the soup kitchen.