IN TODAY’S GOSPEL, WE SEE THE power of love!
AS OUR GOSPEL BEGINS, WE SEE A tired Jesus, worn out from all His journeys. He needs some time to rest, to prepare Himself and His disciples for the upcoming ordeal of His Passion and Death. To get a break from the crowds of people that are after Him day in and day out, Jesus leaves Jewish territory, for the only time we know of, and crosses into the pagan territory of Tyre and Sidon in the Canaanite region.
JESUS IS CONFIDENT THAT THE crowds of Jews seeking miracles and healings will never follow Him into Canaanite territory. The Canaanites were an abomination to the Jews because of their fertility-based pagan religion. The Jews called all Canaanites “filthy wild dogs.”
JUST AS JESUS BEGINS TO BREATHE a sigh of relief, here comes this woman running after him, calling out. And, of course, she is a Canaanite!
THIS CANAANITE WOMAN IS prepared for derision and contempt as she approaches this band of Jewish men. But, her love for her ailing daughter is so strong, the woman is ready to endure anything for a chance to just speak to this famous Jewish Healer. She cries out, “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me.” He is her last hope!
WHEN JESUS DOES FINALLY answer her, she is encouraged because He uses a much softer word for dog. Jesus says, “It’s not right to take the food of the children and throw it to the pet dogs.” Her heart leaps up – maybe there is a chance after all!
THE DEPTH OF HER LOVE AND HER belief in Him makes Jesus change His Mind – God’s love knows no bounds. Jesus heals her daughter!
TODAY, THIS CANAANITE WOMAN teaches us to persevere in prayer, despite all the obstacles. She teaches us one of the most powerful prayers in all scripture. When we, or a loved one, are seriously ill, may we pray from the depths of our heart, “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me.” Whenever we, or a loved one, have a habit of sin that seems unbreakable, may we pray from our heart, “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me.”
NONE OF US WOULD BE SURPRISED to see, a little while later, this same Canaanite woman standing among that group of women weeping as Jesus approaches them carrying His Cross on His way to Calvary. Knowing this Canaanite woman, she would be standing right up front with her arm around the daughter that Jesus healed!